The mystery of Kalaratri
How different would my life have been if fate had blessed me with the things I always wished for??? What is fate? Why do a woman has to succumb to fate to battle out her failures. Is she a pawn of a sinister plot or she chose herself to be in a turmoil like this?? Does greater force plays in our fate or is it the powerful people who manipulate our fate?? Why there is a rage in a woman’s eye when she has been beaten up for the mistake they both did? Why does she has to take up the Mahakali avatar to prove herself and to seek justice.. Is this what a society does to a woman who chose to live her life the way she wants?? Is this what a society wants to punish a powerless woman for she being a victim in a fateful plot. Why does Kali has to take up the fiercest form to install fear in the dark forces and then destroy them?? Is it her rage, her anger or her pain that makes her take up the Kali form?? Is there a need for a Kali inside all of us to awaken and battle our ...